Sunday, November 28, 2010


some simple pen and ink/color pencil doodles for this week's prompt at Illustration Friday
I'm using it for Sunday Sketches & AEDM too...

Also, come and add your art for Whimsical Wednesday 


WrightStuff said...

Just had a nice browse around catching up on your posts this week. Clever idea on Ingenuity! I haven't had a chance to catch up on all those entries yet, it will be interesting to see what everyone else comes up with.

Shayla said...

I love your Sunday sketch. I enjoy the simplicity of art sometimes, these are simple but yet in a way they aren't. They feel like illustrations to me. LOOOOVE IT

Marlene said...

Love the sketches, looks like the makings for a great dinner.

Lenora said...

Nice - reminds me of the simplicity of a good piece and of a simple Christmas story Teh Humungous Turnip, which I so love!

Julie said...

These sketches are great, simple and lovely.

EVA said...

Will those be dinner tonight? Are you creating an ingenious new meal?

Brian Miller said...

nice...i like the plays well with the simple food sketch...

Jenn Bower said...

Great imagery to go with the word. Funny how just drawing an onion can make the tastebuds tingle and the eyes water. Good job and thanks for the kind words on my blog this week.

Heather said...

More peas PLEASE, nice simple work here with the veggies(and strawberry)! I like it! I will definitely have to check out your whimsical wednesday, sounds fun! enjoy, good to see you at sunday sketches!

Lauren said...

I really love these, the simplicity and subdued colors are lovely :) ~Lauren

Tammie Lee said...

I love your cute sketches. They remind me of growing up. My mother had different knobs on each cupboard, carrot, pea, apple etc.

Kristin Dudish said...

I love your line drawings... I really enjoy your style.

Unknown said...

oh these are so cool!!! I love them!!!! I have always loved food sketches!!!

Heather Foust said...

You are multitasking! Very good. Love your veggies!

batsick said...

Tasty! Here's mine

Unknown said...

very nice post, love the simplicity of veggies

Leah said...

what a sweet sketch!!