Saturday, March 28, 2009

RUMINATE: Faith in Literature and Art #10

4 stars
RUMINATE is a quarterly magazine of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art with a nod to the Christian faith. This issue proved to be a pleasant read with three 5 star take-aways:

1) "Afternoon Poem" by Catherine Fiorello - a reminder to wake each day ready to live with the knowledge that in the living life happens...for the day goes on and with it so do we

2) "Ascension" by Marcy Campbell - a masterfully written piece on the hope that finds a hopeless man - it drew my attention to the ways we are rescued from the trial of our days, sometimes in unexpected ways

3) the write-up on the life and art of Paula Peacock - it wasn't so much her art, although I found it worthy rumination, but rather the story that led her to art that really grabbed me...a reminder that it is about the journey and its mix of confusion and conviction, inspiration and intuition

Check out RUMINATE

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